Dienstag, 4. März 2025

T stands for....Apple Spritz and daily sketches

 Last week a special girl turned 18 and requested by her parents I had to remake a special gift for her. I once decorated a hairbrush with a pyrography dragon and she refused to throw the old hairbrush away. But now she finally got a new one. :)

Then here are some more of my watercolor sketches. I try to sketch at least a bird a day, mostly pencil, but also a lot of watercolors lately. Here's a Night Heron.

I try to keep in mind, that these are sketches and not finished paintings. Makes it easier for me to accept, when the sketches don't turn out "perfect". Tiny Goldcrest in the bramble.

A Greenfinch on a wild rose.

An Eagle Owl sitting on a stump.

And now to qualify for Bleubeard and Elizabeth' T stands for, I'll share a drink, that became a favorite of mine over the past couple of weeks. It's an Apple Spritz (hope that's the correct term) from local apples. My region here in Southern Germany is characterized by many orcherds with very old fruit trees, mostly apples and pears, but also plums, cherries, mirabelles and so on. They were planted  decades or longer ago by not only farmers, but many people to make secure their supply with fresh fruit and canned/bottled goods during winter like juice. These days there is a revival of these orchards called ,,Streuobstwiesen" in German.

Sharing with Bleubeard and Elizabeth for T stands for....

1 Kommentar:

  1. I love apple spritz on ice, so I'll happily join you for a glass or two 😊. Wow, your paintings are amazing, you are such a fabulous artist - love them ❤️. Have a wonderful March and Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x
