Donnerstag, 27. Februar 2025

How does your garden grow?: Snow and first sowings

Two weeks ago, right after I thought, that winter is over and after having some sunny days, we got....SNOW. Yes, I know, some of you have very harsh winters with lots of snow, but here, we don't have lots of snow days for some years now.

I love snow days, especially when I don't have to go to work, and so I enjoyed the views and did some indoor sowings. Besides onions I usually sow chilis, peppers and eggplants mid February, as they need some time germinating and growing.

I have lot of varieties from small open source seed sellers, as I don't want to support the "BIG" firms for several reasons. I wrote about that more than once and I strongly recommend to find and support such sellers, too, if you grow your own veggies.

Sooooo how does your garden grow?

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