Marcie over at La Bella Joya thought about a new color challenge like the ones based on Margie Deeb's book "The Beader's Color Palette" which I liked very much. Now she's hosting a Fashion Inspiration Blog Hop and I had to participate. Although I'm not a fashionista I could see myself designing something to go with the outfits Marcie chose. You can see them below with the matching color palette.

Christian Dior - Fall 2011

Sonia Rykiel - Fall 2011
Und obwohl mir die leuchtenden Herbstfarben in dem Sonia-Rykiel-Outfit sehr gut gefallen haben, habe ich mir doch Christian Dior ausgesucht. Das Model sieht so romantisch und fast schon elfenhaft aus und ein florales Design wäre perfekt dafür.
And although I liked the bright fall colors in the Sonia Rykiel outfit I chose to go with Christian Dior. The model looks so romantic and almost elvenlike and I thought something floral is perfect to go with that outfit.
The design process was short, but never felt so complete before. I got this beautiful dark purple faux suede and went from there: sketching out a design, felting the leaves, beading the little flower, choosing a button, sewing it all together by machine and by hand.
Ich denke, dieses Armband kann man getrost als ,,Mixed Media" bezeichnen. Und er ist soooo angenehm zu tragen!
I think this cuff can really be called "mixed media". And it's soooo comfortable to wear!
Und nicht vergessen: die anderen Teilnehmer findet ihr auf La Bella Joya! EIN AUGENSCHMAUS!
Don't forget to visit all the other paticipants at La Bella Joya! EYE CANDY AHEAD!
(Cuff design by Kokopelli Design, 2012)
LOVE the cuff and have always wanted to make something like that!
AntwortenLöschenGreat post Daggi. I love the color combos both of them. Your cuff is outstanding. Great work
Yes, aren't they both great? Sadly the blog hop didn't take place at all, as Marcie won't continue. Sadly I only read about it today, when my post was already out there. But any way: I like it.
AntwortenLöschenTrès joli bracelet