Heute ist zwar Vollmond, aber ich dachte, ich zeige euch trotzdem meine neueste Perlenkreation: den Neumond. Diesmal ist es eine Brosche geworden mit einem schönen blauen schlafenden Mondgesicht. Ich finde, diese Farbkombination wirkt so richtig beruhigend. Und ich finde, er paßt toll in die Planeten-Serie, zusammen mit seinem Bruder, dem Vollmond. Also vergesst nicht, euren Vollmondwunsch zu wünschen!
Today is full moon, but I though I'd show my newest bead creation: the New Moon. This time I made a brooch with a beautiful blue sleeping moon face cab. The color combo seems to be very calming. And I think he fits very well into the Planet Series, together with his brother, the Full Moon. So don't forget to make your full moon wish today!
(Photo and design by Kokopelli Design, 2011)
Ahhh I see the "Blue MooN" LOL Love this. The face is so at peace.
very nice, he looks so peaceful. the moon was orange for a bit last night.....but it didn't last long.....
AntwortenLöschenThis pendant also serves to remind that I haven't yet done anything with the moon face prize I won!! Your beaded cabochons are always lovely to behold.