Mein Artfire-Shop ist Geschichte, da Artfire keine kostenlosen Studios mehr anbietet. Also kann ich nur kaufen, aber nicht mehr verkaufen. Traurig, aber wahr. Wenn ihr an einem meiner Stücke interessiert seid, kontaktiert mich einfach direkt, bis ich eine andere Lösung gefunden habe.
My Artfire shop is closed due to Artfire's decision to not allow basic studio owners to sell any longer on Artfire. So I am now a "buyer only". Sad but true. If you're interested in my pieces you got to contact me directly until I found another solution.
blood moon leprechaun plus girl power
vor 42 Minuten
Oh Dagi that bites, I'm so sorry. Check out Zibbet. It is a wonderful community to sell online and inexpensive. You can get a basic account for free and list up to 50 items. Tell them Jeannie sent you.
What happened? I don't understand. Did this affect a lot of sellers? That's sad. I am sorry.
AntwortenLöschenArtfire decided not to offer the free basic account any longer as August 15th. So all basic sellers who didn't upgrade to the pro account now only have a buyer account. They still can upgrade, but have to pay a monthly fee, sales or not. I already heard from a lot of people who lost their possibility to sell their work and simply can't afford a pro account, as no sales mean loosing money. Yes, it is sad.