Ich habe das Täschchen wie gesagt am Strand gehäkelt und als wir wieder zu Hause waren, hat meine Mutter es dan mit weißer Baumwolle gefüttert, damit nichts rausfallen kann. Ich trage darin meistens kleinere Stick- oder Häkelprojekte mit mir herum.
While going through my embroidery UFOs I found this little bag I once crocheted back when I was a teenager. It was the time when my grandma said that I couldn't do "female" crafts like embroidery, knitting or crochet. Simply because she thought so. Maybe that is the reason why I am this creative today. Simply to proove her wrong. :-)
I crocheted this bag during a summer vacation by the sea and back home my Mom lined it with white cotton to avoid things falling through the holes. I use it to carry around small crochet or embroidery projects.
this is very danity and lady like....this is one craft no one could ever accomplish in teaching me (knitting as well).
AntwortenLöschenDas ist wirklich bezauberend:-) Und komisch wie Großeltern manchmal sein konnten. Das kenne ich auch noch...
AntwortenLöschenWhat a beautiful pattern and you do beautiful work. My mom and grandma are masters at that. Me, not so much.