Erinnern die euch nicht schon an den Frühling? Diese Woche neu im
Artfire-Shop sind diese Ohrringe mit frühlingsgrünen Glasperlen und Kupferblättern. Alles von mir handgemacht, inklusive den Ohrhaken.
Don't they remind you of spring? This week's Artfire addition is a pair of spring green and copper leaf earrings. All wirework including earrings is handmade by me. 
Sie sind wirklich bequem zu tragen und haben eine tolle Länge./
They are so comfortable to wear and have a nice length.
Oh thses are soooo the colours together
AntwortenLöschenThe copper leaves look great with the green bead. What is it about copper? They are the perfect length. Don't you just love pounding on metal? I just finished some metal pounding of my own.
AntwortenLöschenThanks, ladies!
AntwortenLöschenI simply love copper. For several reasons: color, aging/oxidizing, simple to work with, cost. And metal pounding can be soooo relaxing. :-)