Today I'd like to introduce you to Dragonfly Jewelry Designs. On one hand this is the name of South Carolina based jewelry business, on the other hand it is a project a bunch of wonderful and talented artists started to help a dear friend and a BeadingDaily family member with his medical expenses. If you like to know more, read the whole story in the studio announcement or the bio page, or ask me right away. Pam and Billy are dear friends and this is my share to get the word out to my regular readers. If you like, please spread the word, too, by posting this on Facebook, Twitter or your own blogs. Thanks to all of you!
Da soviele befreundete Künstler zusamen dieses Projekt ins Leben gerufen haben, haben sich im Shop alle Arten, Stile und Techniken versammelt: Armbänder, Ketten, Ohrringe, Anhänger, ja sogar Zubehör, um euren eigenen Schmuck zu machen; gefädelte Stücke, Perlenstickerei, wertvollen Edelstein- und Silberschmuck, mit Stoff umwickelte Anhänger, Chainmaille, Wirewrapping und nicht zu vergessen Anleitungen, um eigene Schmuckkomponenten herzustellen. Und wenn ihr nach einem besonderen Geschenk für ein Familienmitglied oder Freund sucht, dann schaut euch die Drahtnamen an, die Pam und Billy auf Kundenwunsch anfertigen. Also wenn ihr gerade über Weihnachts- und Geschenkeshopping nachdenkt, dann schaut auf jeden Fall im Dragonfly Jewelry Designs Artfire Shop vorbei! Jeder Cent hilft!
Many befriended artists got together to start this project and that is why there are all sorts, techniques and styles of jewelry united in one shop: bracelets, necklaces, earrings, pendants, even supplies to make your own jewelry, strung pieces, bead embroidery, precious gemstone and silver jewelry, fabric-wrapped pendants, chainmaille, wirewrapping, and not to forget tutorials to make your own jewelry supplies for custom cool designs. And if you're looking for a very special gift for a family member or a dear friend, have a look at the Custom Wire Name Writing that Billy and Pam, the owners of Dragonfly Jewelry Designs, offer. So if you're about to start holiday or Christmas shopping, please consider seriously to have a look at the Dragonfly Jewelry Designs Artfire Shop! Every cent helps!
Hallo Dagi, Ich unterstütze die Action und finde sie gut. Ich wünsche Pam und Billy, dass es ihnen nützt und Dir ein schönes Wochenende
AntwortenLöschenDagi, this is so nice of you to post. They're in my thoughts everyday and I wish them the best and I hope that better days are on the horizon for both of them