Donnerstag, 28. Januar 2021

Thursday Art Date with Rain: Mysterious and Dark

 Dark and mysterious made me think of the Greenland Shark. I first learnt about these sharks watching a documentation on tv and I was sitting and watching literally with my mouth wide open. In 1998 they were filmed by US scientists for the first time ever.

They were observed in depths of 2'000 metres and deeper, where there is no light and have the longest known lifespan of all vertebraes (estimated between 300 and 500 years). How amazing is that? I linked the Wikipedia article above, so you can learn more about these amazing sharks.

Sharing with Thursday Art Date with Rain!

10 Kommentare:

  1. that's a brilliant angle on dark and mysterious, there's so much in the sea we have yet to learn about.

  2. Interessant und schaurig diese Grönlandhaie und deine Zeichnung ist toll dazu!
    Ich schaue auch gerne diese Tierdokus an.
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  3. Very interesting response to the prompt. Happy you dropped by my blig today

    Much love...

  4. Oh yeah, creatures from the sea's depth are mysterious. There's so much we do not know about pertaining to life underwater in the darkest places. Excellent take on this week's art prompt!

    Curious as a Cathy

  5. Wonderful shark art I will have to check them out!

  6. Yes, very dark and mysterious. Love the art.

  7. I absolutely LOVE how you interpreted this theme, dear. It is so different and unique and your drawing is amazing, too.

  8. That's a GREAT shark Kokopelli! Actually I saw that documentary too, I forget when I saw it, but it wasn't too long ago, during Shark Week they have on the Discovery Channel here. That's how I learned about the Greenland Shark for the first time too! Very cool! :)

  9. Wow, very interesting and this is the first I have ever heard of the Greenland
    shark. Life is full of surprises and when I read about it, there are so many unique features in this sharks anatomy and it's existence. So definitely mysterious and lives in the dark ... this really worked for today's post :) Hope all is well with you ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol
