Donnerstag, 20. September 2012

Paint Party Friday: Stone Age Art

Ich probiere mich gerade an ein wenig Steinzeitkunst und habe einige Designs für eine Messerscheide gezeichnet. Diese Zeichnungen wurden von den Höhlenmalereien in Altamira (Spanien), Chauvet und Lascaux (beide Frankreich) inspiriert.
I'm playing around with Stone Age art and drew some designs for the same knife sheath. Those design are inspired by the beautiful cave paintings of Altamira (Spain), Chauvet and Lascaux (both France).
Hier einige Pferde mit Sonne und Mond.
Here are some horses running under the moon and the sun.

Eines des bekanntesten Pferde aus der Höhle von Lascaux.
Here's a well known horse painting from the Lascaux cave.

Und ein Bogenschütze mit Pferd und Hirsch, ein Design von mir.
And a design of my own with an archer, a horse and deer.
 Happy Paint Party Friday everyone!

20 Kommentare:

  1. Really interesting idea and nice clean line art. Great stuff.


  2. These drawings are going to be fab on the sheaf. Happy PPF, Annette x

  3. Wonderfully done primitive art ~ (A Creative Harbor)

  4. very interesting and nice lines. I hope you'll show it to us when you're done. Happy PPF!

  5. Knife sheaths? What will they be made of?

    1. Rita, my sheaths are usually made of leather, sometimes with an inlay of rawhide or thick leather to avoid cutting through the thinner leather on the outside.

  6. Great designs and look forward to the end result! Happy PPF!

  7. these are great... I love the aboriginal cave paintings we have here in Australia... they share some traits with this...xx

  8. I can see the story unfolding in your design with the hunter and deer!

  9. Wunderschoen, erinnerte mich gleich an die Hoehlenmalereien von Lascaux. Leider war ich nie da und kenne sie nur von Bildern - es muss faszinierend sein.

  10. Fascinating and precise lines! HPPF!

  11. I very much love this type of art. I know it will be awesome on your sheath.

  12. These are wonderful! You really captured the style and the movement.

    Have you seen the movie Cave of Forgotten Dreams; it's fascinating. I think you would really enjoy seeing the paintings.

  13. This is very intersting. I must visit and see more paintings..Have a wonderful day..

  14. Those are fun drawings. I love your horses! Wish I could draw a horse....another one of those "can't do it" subjects!

  15. Fun work! Have a great week!

    Hugs Giggles
