Freitag, 24. Februar 2012

Paint Party Friday: Katzenmotto/Cat Motto

Am Montag hatte meine Kollegin Geburtstag und da sie sich demnächst eine Katze anschaffen möchte, habe ich für sie dieses Bildchen gezeichnet. Einen Hund hat sie allerdings nicht. ;-)

On Monday was my colleagues birthday. She's thinking about getting herself a cat and so I drew this cat motto for her. And no, she does not have a dog. ;-)

Das ist die Filzstift-Zeichnung vor dem Colorieren mit Farbstiften.

That's the sharpie drawing before coloring it with pencils.

Und das danach. Das Bild ist etwas schlecht, da es schon Abend war. Und nicht vergessen, den PPF-Blog zu besuchen.

And that's after coloring. The photo is bad due to artificial lighting. And don't forget to visit the PPF blog.

22 Kommentare:

  1. Yes indeed, that's what cats do. It's never their fault. Very cute! I bet your friend will love it. Happy PPF!

  2. Loving the humour. Happy PPF and enjoy the weekend, Annette x

  3. Love it, what a sweet and thoughtful gift!

  4. I love this! really cute and am sure your friend will love it!

  5. Very cute! Definitely the cat's motto!

    (P.S. Your word verification is on - based on your PPF comment, you might not realize this...)

  6. Awww, this is sweet. I'm sure your colleague will love it.

    Happy PPF!

  7. Hi I thought I left a comment on the post. I do like this cat card. Wonderful. Great drawing and the colors are fabulous.

  8. oh what a great piece....wonderful work and Happy PPF!!!!

  9. LOVE it! We have both cats and a dog and this is sooooo fun and true.
    Happy PPF!
    Sheri Cook/Happy Horse Studio

  10. What a great drawing. Your friend will love it.
    I saw a sign yesterday that had a dog on it, and said "Friends don't let friends get a cat!"

  11. Yes, but where is the dog ; ) Nice whimsical piece, I'm sure she'll luv it.

  12. Totally cute and whimsical - love it!
