Donnerstag, 13. Oktober 2011

Insekten: fasziniernd oder eklig?/Insects: fascinating or ugly?

Eine der letzten Aufgaben im Drawing Lab war das Zeichnen von Insekten. Und nach den Reaktionen auf meine Hirschkäfer-Zeichnung, die von ,,Wunderschön!" bis ,,Igitt, ist der eklig!" reichten, kam bei mir die Frage auf, was ihr denn von Insekten haltet.
One of the last Drawing Lab assignments was drawing insects. I got lots of feedback on my stag beetle drawing, reaching from "Awesome beetle!" to "Really ugly!", and my question to you is now: What do you think about insects?
Mögt ihr nur die ,,hübschen Insekten" wie Libelle oder Schmetterlinge? Oder auch die ekligen wie Spinnen oder die stechenden wie Bienen oder Schnaken (ok, ich glaube, niemand mag wirklich Schnaken).
Do you like only the "beautiful ones" like dragonflies or butterflies? Or also the ugly ones like spiders or the ones who sting like bees and mosquitoes (ok, I think no one really likes mosquitoes).
Ich freue mich auf eure schaurigen und schönen Insektengeschichten.
I'd love to hear from you and your insect likes and dislikes.
(All pieces of art by Kokopelli Design, 2011)

2 Kommentare:

  1. Your drawing is fantastic and it is truly a magnificent beetle, very impressive. Butterflies, dragonflies and little lady bugs are sweet but I must admit that your stag beetle has a lot more character.

    ps, I have read your comments on The Beading Gem's Journal many times. Glad I've found your blog. :)

  2. I admit, I don't particularly like spiders. Which is not their fault. And I hate insects like fleas, ticks etc. But I think all kinds of beetles are fascinating and your stag beetle drawing is wonderful!
    Fantastische Zeichnung!
