Dienstag, 8. Februar 2011

Ohrringe mit Herz/Copper Heart Earrings

Diese Woche gibt es ein paar neue Ohrringe in meinem Artfire-Shop, die perfekt zum Valentinstag passen. Oder auch zu jeder anderen Gelegenheit, wenn man einem lieben Menschen ein Geschenk machen möchte.

This week's addition to my Artfire Shop are those lovely earrings. With the cute heart dangle they're a perfect gift for Valentine's Day or any other occasion when you want to give a gift to a special friend.

(Photo and design by Kokopelli Design, 2011, so PLEASE respect copyright. Thank you!)

5 Kommentare:

  1. I agree Dagi - these are perfect for Valentines... and I love the fact that they're not red, which means they're perfect anytime of the year as well. I love them!:)

  2. I was just going to say the same thing Lody!
    They are A.W.E.S.O.M.E. (ok I still like my abalones better) but for those that can pull of wearing this color- they are perfect!

  3. These are charming and great for any time of the year. The center looks like pearl/shell beads.

  4. Cat, I still have some abalone cabs left. :-)

    Jeannie, they are mother of pearl discs and they are originally made for mosaics. Due to their size I thought they might make good center cabs for earrings and rings.
