Dienstag, 18. Januar 2011

Adlerfedern/Eagle Feathers

Heute habe ich an einem neuen Satz Pfeile gearbeitet und die Befiederung hat mich an diese Adlerfeder-Ohrringe erinnert, die ich euch bisher noch nicht gezeigt habe.

Today I was working on a new batch of arrows and the fletching made me think of the eagle feather earrings I once made and never shared.

The Eagle Feather
by Randy Macey, Mohawk

When the world was new, the Creator made all the birds. He colored their feathers like a bouquet of flowers. The Creator then gave each a distinct song to sing. The Creator instructed the birds to greet each new day with a chorus of their songs. Of all the birds, our Creator chose the Eagle to be the leader. The Eagle flies the highest and sees the furthest of all creatures. The Eagle is a messenger to the Creator. During the Four Sacred Riguals we will wear an Eagle Feather in our hair. To wear or to hold the Eagle Feather causes our Creator to take immediate notice. With the Eagle Feather the Creator is honored in the highest.

Und weil der Schöpfer alle Vögel mit unterschiedlichen Federn gemacht hat, mußte ich natürlich auch ein paar mehr Federn machen. Dieses Set habe ich für meinen lieben Freund Billy von Dragonfly Jewelry Designs gemacht.
And because the Creator made all birds and colored all their feathers differently I had to make some more, too. Those were made for my dear friend Billy of Dragonfly Jewelry Designs.

(Federn aus Delicaperlen und Nymo; feathers made from delica beads and nymo, designed by Kokopelli, 2009, original idea by Theresa Flores Geary)

2 Kommentare:

  1. That is a neat story about the eagles.

    My parents live along the Mississippi River in Wisconsin, and right now the bald eagles are all over the trees and catching fish in the river.

    Last weekend we were down there and we counted no less than 18 birds in trees, flying and standing on the ice along the river. It was a very impressive site.

    I will have to send my parents to your blog to read the story.

  2. I enjoyed the story Dagi. The earrings with the dots in them remind me of men's ties. That's very generous of you to make them for Billy.
