Es war für mich wirklich schwierig, die passenden Farben für mein Stück zusammenzustellen und selbst nachdem ich angefangen hatte zu arbeiten, war ich nicht wirklich sicher, ob das Design so aussieht, wie ich es haben wollte. Die Farben schienen nicht zusammen zu passen und ich habe einige Fehler während des Stickens gemacht. Aber als ich dann die Kanten gestickt und den Verschluß angebracht habe, war es exakt das, was ich mir vorgestellt hatte! Die Farben, die Form des gesamten Stückes und das Design: perfekt! Ich habe dieses gestickte Armband "Marrakesch" genannt, weil das die Stadt is, an die ich zuerst denke, wenn ich schöne islamische Architektur und Mosaike sehe. Vielen Dank auch wieder an Marcie (und Margie) für die Inspiration durch ihre Challenge!
I had a real hard time to nail down the colors I wanted to work with and even after I started working, I wasn't sure, if the design was what I intended. The colors don't seem to match and I made several mistakes while working. But with adding the edging and the clasp it was exactly what I wanted! The colors, the shape of the whole piece and the design: perfect! I called my bead embroidered cuff "City of Marrakech", because this city is what comes to my mind when I see beautiful Islamic architecture and mosaics. Thanks to Marcie (and Margie) for inspiring us all once more with her challenge!
(This is an original design by Kokopelli (2010), so PLEASE RESPECT copyright! Thank you!)
This cuff has a fantastic shape! What a great job you did of echoing the architecture. I do love the colors and how the darker blue sets off the cream and turquoise.
AntwortenLöschenOh WOW that is stunning! Beautiful work and you so nailed the palette!
AntwortenLöschenThat is absolutely GORGEOUS. It is so in sync with the theme and the palette. I love it. Very, very, very well done!
AntwortenLöschenP.S. Thank you for the English translation!
AntwortenLöschenWow - so amazing! I agree that the shape of the cuff is very cool!
AntwortenLöschenOh that is a lovely cuff. I love the shape of it.
AntwortenLöschenAbsolutely beautiful! I think you have captured the essence of the theme perfectly ;-)
AntwortenLöschenI just want to put my hands through the computer screen and touch it, wear it, admire it, admire me wearing, admire me wearing while I'm touching it.
AntwortenLöschenIt is perfect! Perfectly subline.
That is really fun looking! You've come up with something good with the design of the ends. Excellent!!
AntwortenLöschenThat is beautiful!! I clicked on the link on Marcie's site.
AntwortenLöschenThis is exquisite Dagi, I really like this! You always do such great work :)
AntwortenLöschenGorgeous - not only did you match the colours but you matched the mosaic itself... well done!
That took my breath away!