Do you remember that I announced a giveaway in one of my earlier posts? So here it is just in time for the last Adevent weekend and Christmas. I will give away the No 7 of Perlen Poesie with my design in it and the giveaway is open to all my readers. Although the magazine is in German there are 16 step-by-step instructions with graphs, which are easy to follow without words. Not to mention the amazing photographies of artists coming from all around the world, including a series about French beaders with their own special style. So it is well worth to enter, even if you do not speak German.

Dieser Giveaway läuft bis zum 30. Dezember und ich werde den Gewinner am 31. Dezember bekanntgeben.
This giveaway will be open until December 30th and I'll pick a luck winner on December 31st.
Und was ihr tun müßt, um dabei zu sein? Hinterlaßt einen Kommentar mit euren Wünschen oder Vorsätzen für nächstes Jahr, beim Werkeln oder im ,,richtigen" Leben und ich werfe euren Namen einmal in den Lostopf. Für eine zweite Chance, postet diese Nachricht auf eurem Blog, auf FB oder Twitter oder werdet Leser meines Blogs. Vergeßt dabei nicht, einen zweiten Kommentar zu hinterlassen. Ich freue mich darauf, von euch zu hören und was ihr im nächsten Jahr plant! Schreibt ihr eure erste Anleitung, probiert eine neue Technik aus oder wollt ihr nur das Esszimmer streichen?
OK, so what do you have to do to enter: leave a comment with your New Year's resolutions or what you'd like to achieve next year, in beading or in "real" life, and your name will be entered once. Post it on FB, Twitter or your blog or become a regular reader and I enter your name a second time. Don't forget to leave a separate comment for that. I'd love to hear from you and what you're about in the next year! Writing your first tutorial, try a new technique, paint the living room?
AntwortenLöschenAlso, liebe Dagmar! Ich möchte mich mehr auf große Projekte konzentrieren.
Ich habe versprochen eine Anleitung zu schreiben und bin schon ein bisschen im Verzug.
Außerdem sollte ich ein bisschen kürzer treten und meine Homepage überarbeiten.(Das wiederspricht sich aber eigentlich)
Tja und ich will wieder öfter mal was Nähen!
Und ich würde gerne mal was gewinnen!!!
glg Susa
Hi Kokopelli. This is a wonderful giveaway.
AntwortenLöschenI'd like to finish off my 2010 todo list in 2011..LOL...really I still have a long list..duh!
Best regards :)
Gave it a shout at FB :)
AntwortenLöschenPlanning for more wire jewelry tutorials next year.
Hallo! Das ist ja eine tolle Idee.... da müssen die Teilnehmer auch noch über sich selbst nachdenken...
AntwortenLöschenIch will im nächsten Jahr etwas mehr nähen, mir einige neuen Techniken angewöhnen und auch mal wieder öfter mit den ganz kleinen Perlies was machen...
Liebe Grüße Doris
I don't really make resolutions. I'm old enough to know that I won't keep them. Let's see.. in 2011 I'd like to learn to use a torch, without throwing it.
AntwortenLöschenThanks for the chance!
AntwortenLöschenI'd like to have more happiness, just this, doing everything increase it. :-)
(How may I write my email address without being published?)
Chocolat, you can send me an email via my Blogger profile. If you click on the avatar, you'll find my email addy. Thanks for participating!
AntwortenLöschenI'm so excited that you've been published! My beading resolution is to photograph what I've done each week and post to my poor neglected blog. Friends ask how long did it take you to do things so then I would have more of an idea.
AntwortenLöschenMy new year resolution is to not make resolutions I can't keep, like losing weight, or shooting a hole in one on the golf course. However I will work harder on keeping up with mine and everyone else's blog, and to learn at least one new bead stitch or method of making jewelry.
AntwortenLöschenCongratulations Dagmar on getting published. It would be lots of fun to win "your" publication.
AntwortenLöschenFor next year I'm going to try to be more organized and try my hand at drawing.
Congrats again on being published Dagi!... and of course, I wanna win the magazine.:)
AntwortenLöschenMy beady related new year's resolution is to start metal stamping. I'll be recieving some neat tools for such as christmas gifts, therefore I won't be able to play 'til next month. I can hear the hammerings in my head already!
I would love to see the magazine! I think it's so cool that you're in there.
AntwortenLöschenIn my beading, I hope to learn more about beadweaving, and do a bit more wirework. I plan to start a blog. I also hope to finish several of the projects I already have planned! I plan to bead less for gifts, and more for myself.
I don't know if my comment went through so I wanted to repeat it just in case!
AntwortenLöschenOh to have one of your patterns would be awesome! I am so glad we finally connected (thanks to Jeannie!) My new years resolution is to learn as many new stitches as possible and have fun doing it!
I would love to win the magazine, especially to see your pattern, but also to see what designers in different countries focus on.
AntwortenLöschenMy resolution for 2011 is for organization in all aspects of my life, one at a time. I am also praying for the courage to start selling my pieces. :)
Thanks and Merry Christmas!!
Hi Dagi.
AntwortenLöschenCongrats on being published!! Yes, I would LOVE to receive this magazine. And if I win, will you sign it for me? I'll keep it forever.
For the new year, I want....
Better health and to lose a few pounds.
Continue to learn new things to keep me young.
Peace in the world.
Hope everything is well with you.
I post this for my friend Lee, as she had problems leaing a comment here:
AntwortenLöschen"Winning this magazine would be the best way to start my new year! My resolution is to explore beading styles from other countries. I am searching for the "white Russian Beadweaving" book at a price I can afford - I hadn't thought about using magazines form other countries!!! Thanks for the idea!"
Hi Dagi :) Yes it is time for this "New Year's Resolutions" isn't it. What I want to do in 2011 is first of all get us both (Billy and me) healthier and feeling well enough to do more of everything including beading but also walking on the beach, in the woods, or just in the house and around the yard, gardening some, etc. Then I really want to reorganize our bead stash so that we can actually figure out what we own, and use it creatively. I want to begin some metalwork, something I haven't done much of in several years. I also want to do some loom work to make some wall hangings for sale. Preferrably to rich people. Okay, I'm kind of joking, but really...sales is a goal. I also want to get that blog of mine going better and communicate more with all my great friends beading friends and non beading friends. Enough? One more...keep this house clean...
AntwortenLöschenJust posted on FB sweet Dagi :)!/profile.php?id=100001167543449