Der letzte Tag stand bei beiden Kursen ganz im Zeichen des Spaßes am Schießen. Manche haben sich an die weitere Entfernung herangetraut, andere hatten sehr viel Spaß daran, Luftballons zu ,,erlegen" oder andere Bogentypen auszuprobieren. In diesem Kurs wurde ja das Schießen mit dem Recurve-Bogen erlernt und am letzten Tag konnten dann Langbogen und Compoundbogen (s. Bild unten) ausprobiert werden. Für Infos über die genannten Bogentypen ist hier nochmal der Link zum Bericht über Woche 2 der Kurse.
So the classes are over now! On one hand I am sad, because it was lots of fun, for me, for my "assistants" and the students, on the other hand I'm glad, because now there is time to prepare new classes, beading and archery, learn from the mistakes and recapitulate all the things I learnt from the classes, as a teacher and as an archer. And it definitely was a learning experience!
The last day was all about the fun of archery. Some of my students tried their hand (and bow) on a longer distance, some had much fun to "kill" some balloons or try other bow types. Remember that the class was about lerning to handle a recurve bow and on the last day the students had the possibility to shoot with a longbow and a compound bow (see pic below). For more information about the different bow types, read my post from Week 2.
Ich hoffe, ihr hattet ein bißchen Spaß beim Lesen dieser Mini-Serie übers Bogenschießen und habt ein bißchen was dabei gelernt!
In this pic you can see one of the bows my students were allowed to test on the last evening. It is a compound bow and you can see the typical characteristics of a compound bow: the cam wheels at both ends of the limbs and the bow string and cable system. You can also see, that the archer doesn't pull the bow with his fingers, but with a device called "release" which is similar to the trigger of a gun. The long stick at the front end of the bow is part of the stabilizing system, that helps on one side to hold the bow more stable and on the other side decrease the vibrations, which emerge after the arrow is released.
I hope you had fun reading this little archery series and learnt a bit about archery!
(Fotos von/photos by Kokopelli, 2010)
I did enjoy reading and learning about this and thanks for that.
AntwortenLöschenWhat's next? Fencing Maybe? Maybe make video this time.
It seems so odd to me that a trigger is used to draw the bow rather than the old fashioned way!
AntwortenLöschenJeannie, a video would be fun!
AntwortenLöschenYes, Pearl, it is odd, but even a traditional sport develops over time. Plus remember that the compound bow was developped for bow hunting and therefore needs highest precision. Some people still draw a compound with the fingers, but the draw weight is very high and the release definitely is the better option.