Mittwoch, 24. März 2010

Häkelsocken/Crocheted Socks

Sockeln häkeln??? Hab ich am Anfang auch gedacht. Eine Freundin hat mir vor einigen Monaten ein Buch in die Hand gedrückt und meinte, ich soll das bei Gelegenheit mal ausprobieren. Nun habe ich es ausprobiert und als die Socken fertig waren, war ich doch sehr skeptisch. Denn irgendwie sehen die Dinger leicht unförmig und klobig aus. Aber wider Erwarten sitzen sie super am Fuß. Ich denke, sie sind eine echte Alternative zu gestrickten Socken und man kann sie sehr gut für Hüttenschuhe verwenden.

Crocheting socks??? Yep, that's was what I thought first. A friend gave me a book and asked me to try and crochet a pair of socks. OK, I tried and when the socks were ready, I was sceptical. Somehow the socks look "un"shaped and clumsy. But against that they fit perfectly on the feet. I think, that they are a real alternative to knitted socks and they seem to be perfect for home socks, as they're much more durable than the knitted ones.

(made by Kokopelli, 2010)

4 Kommentare:

  1. My feet would be very happy. I know how to crochet, but NOT socks. I would hate to think what mine would look like.

  2. I only know how to wire crochet so I think these socks are cool! Love the colors.

  3. Were they hard to do? I would love to learn to crochet socks. The knitted ones always intimidate me...they seem so complicated and I only know the basics.

  4. No, they weren't hard to do. Everyone who knows the basics of crochet. And I found them easier than knitted socks. And faster. And I really like how they fit.
