Donnerstag, 12. Dezember 2024

#10minuteartwarmup or Doodling for Stress Reduction

When I visited my abandoned blog some time ago, I came across a blog post by CJ & Ink about her weekly doodling class for stress reduction. I loved the idea and remembered the #10minuteartwarmup I once participated in. I can't remember who hosted it once, but decided to try and do it daily. 10 minutes of sketching/drawing before office. 

Here are some of the sketches I did so far. Some are done on narrow paperstrips I got from a friend. Those were used for marking transport boxes and go to the bin after single use. So recycling is a plus.

European Robin

Blue Tit

Eurasian Wren

I also got a small sketchbook I carry in my backpack.

Another Robin

Long Tailed Tit

And another Robin. *LOL*

Eurasian Jay

Pied Avocet

I sometimes sketch a whole series of the same bird on an A3 sketchbook page. Here the Eurasian Kingfisher.

1 Kommentar:

  1. What a great idea! I need to be more disciplined and doodle every day. Your birds are spectacular
