Dienstag, 20. Oktober 2020

T stands for........Winter Gardening!

 First time for me at "T stands for....", so please be kind, if that isn't correctly or completely related to a drink. :)

I think a lot of eating healthy, trying to cook healthy and with my limited options trying to grow my own veggies. In summer that's no problem and I'm pretty good at growing my own veggies in pots, but in winter? So here's my latest adventure: Winter Gardening!

With help of some foil and improvised hotframes and picking the right plants, I gave it a go.

Green cabbage and Swiss chard is looking good.

The green cabbage needs to get some frost before harvesting it. The chard is so delicious with pasta or with potatoes.

Here is the foil tunnel and one of the improvised hotframes (which is simply only a clear bucket *LOL*). I have lettuce under that bucket, then spinach and celery to the right. Under the foil I have Asia salads, which can be chopped into salads or used to spice up wok meals, some Pak Choi plants and some radishes. And one or two chard paltns gone rogue. The yappear all over my yard.

And with so many vitamins growing in my garden (still not ready to put them in a green smoothie), I needed a drink. While shopping, I found this orange juice plus grapefruit and dragonfruit. Prost (as we say here in Germany)!

27 Kommentare:

  1. Nothing like fresh garden produce so good for you to try winter gardening. It looks great!
    Cheers and happy T day!

  2. I have trouble enough gardening in the summertime lol I hope your efforts go well. I like grapefruit juice on its own or with pineapple juice. I've never tried it with oj, and I've never heard of dragonfruit. Happy T Tuesday!

  3. Beautiful veggies ~ and your drink of choice sounds very refreshing! ~ Enjoy your week

  4. How wonderful growing your own veggies, I always think they taste much better than shop bought ones too 😁. Looks like you are going to have fun growing them over winter too! The pink grapefruit drink sounds delicious, very refreshing - Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

    1. That's true! I hope to grow more in the future, once I have a bigger garden.

  5. Your garden looks amazing and the drink sounds so good. This is the perfect post.

  6. What a great idea. I love the concept of winter gardening although I have never tried it. I look forward to seeing the outcomes.
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. First time, too, and I'm excited to see if it works.

  7. Welcome To T! If we didn't get so much snow I would love to try winter gardening too. I hope you keep us up on how it goes. I am very interested in this. Hope it was a great T day. Hugs-Erika

    1. Yes, it really depends on the climate to see what's possible. We used to get snow in winter, but during the last years it was less and les and winters were really mild. I'll post on the outcome for sure.

  8. I hope your green vegetables can get enough sun in winter. We don't even have enough summer sun as our yard is full of big trees, so we can't grow much of anything.

    be well... mae at maefood.blogspot.com

    1. Thanks! My garden is facing south, so there might be enough sun. I'd love to have big trees in my garden, but for growing veggies, it isn't that good, you're right.

  9. Last night before I was going to leave a message, I got up to get coffee. When I did, I must have hit my computer screen because when I got back, my screen was black. I even rebooted and tried the little lights that adjust the screen. I was sick about it, but waited until today when I could see better what was going on. I finally found I had accidentally unplugged one of the cords that hooks the screen to the hard drive box. I am so glad I didn't need a new computer screen.

    I am so very happy to see you at T this week, dear. I apologize for being so late visiting, especially since it's your first time joining us.

    I'm impressed with your cold weather gardening. I sure learned something about growing and harvesting cold weather veggies. I also LOVE seeing your hot frames. That's quite a setup.

    That is a very unique and different drink. I've never heard of dragonfruit before, but the combination sounds wonderful. Thanks so very, very much for joining us for T with your veggies and your juice this Tuesday, dear.

    1. Hi! And don't apologize! Sometimes things like that happen. :) Have a great weekend without any computer accidents. :)

  10. Your Winter garden looks great and sounds delicious. I’ve had grapefruit juice with pineapple. Never thought to mix it with orange juice and I’ve never had dragonfruit though have seen it at the grocery store. Happy T Day

  11. Welcome to TSFT! That orange pink grapefruit actually sounds good, but not sure what dragon fruit is... You are brave having a Winter garden or any kind of garden. It has been a while since I gardened. Good for you!
    Again, I am glad to see you at tea, and hope you will come again. :)

    1. Thank you so much for the sweet comment! I'm excited to see the outcome of my winter gardening attempt, although I'm not expecting much. Have nice day!

  12. Welcome to our T-party group! Your cold garden experiment is very interesting. It seems like you're already enjoying some of the "fruits" of your labor. Everything tastes better and is healthier when straight from the garden.

    Happy T-Day. Stay safe and well. Eileen

    1. Thank you! Yes, we had some of the chard last weekend with some delicious one pot pasta. So nice to add some fresh green from the garden. And due to the mild temps the greens grow very good.

  13. Welcome to the T-Party! It's great to see you here too. (I recognize your name in other people's comments).
    I like the idea of winter gardening. I have never tried it though. We have a very harsh climate here and our winters are sunny but can be very cold (as in below zero temperatures). We have a vegetable garden and this year hubby is planning on getting a poly tunnel. We'll compare notes....
    Your drink looks interesting. I've never had dragon fruit. Prost to you too!
    Sorry for the late comment,
    Have a good week,

    1. We used to have snow in winter, too, but the last years the winters were very mild. But a polytunnel or greenhouse is a must, too, as many plants would otherwise stop growing. Let me know how the polytunnel project goes. :)
