My sweet beading friend Lisa Crone over at A Bead A Day shared some lovely sunny summer inspired jewelry designs on her blog. I love her designs, but it also makes me think about how much I love winter and, don't get me wrong, every other season during its time and for its colors, temperatures, light, inspirations etc. I do not have a fav season. So what about you? Any favorite season and a jewelry design inspired by it? Share your designs here or on Facebook with a link and then head over to Lisa's page and share your winter inspired jewelry.
Mein Lieblingsstück für den Winter ist eine Kette, die ich im Jahr 2008 gemacht und die ich beim ersten Tragen direkt vom Hals weg verkauft habe. Den Original-Post könnt ihr auf meine alten Blog nachlesen, den ich leider wegen Softwareproblemen schließen musste.
My favorite winter jewelry piece is made by me back in 2008 and it sold at once directly from my neck when I was wearing it for the first time. The original post can be seen on my old blog, which I had to shut down because of serious software issues.
Und wenn euch Lisas Name bekannt vokommt, dann vielleicht wegen ihres tollen Buchs, "A Bead In Time".
Oh yes, and if you think you might know Lisa's name, check out the fabulous book she wrote, "A Bead In Time".
Well I don't like winter any more. Old bones I guess. However, I do like this piece of yours very much. Beautiful
Gorgeous pendant.