Montag, 24. März 2025

T stands for....wasps and willows!

Monday morning and I needed a "real coffee", I mean one from a Moka Express, with the typical noise and heavenly smell and all. 

Not much on the drawing table lately, but I finished this little bookmark. I had it sketched out for quite a while, but only colored it last week. It's Grey Heron. I love to make bookmarks from paper cutoffs, which otherwise would go to the bin.

While I'm not much at the drawing table, I spent a lot of time in the garden, as the weather was nice and warm last week. I spotted the first wild bee burrows. I have a slope in my garden and during spring and summer, the whole slope is covered with burrows and a cloud of flying bees in all sizes. Amazing how these small creatures can dig these holes into our clay soil, which is hard as concrete, when dry.

And for those, who aren't already in love with those little souls: Here's a male Hairy-Footed Flower Bee (Anthophora plumipes). Isn't he gorgeous and cute? And it's perfectly clear, why they are called "hairy-footed".

And since these beauties fly very early in spring, it's essential that they find something to eat. Besides crocus and many other early bloomers, willows offer lots of food. Gladly I planted some of them in my hedgerow. Look at these colors!

And there are lots of other species foraging on the willows. And yes, that's a wasp. But one of the Polistinae family, which are much more relaxed than the pesty little members of the Vespinae family. "Feldwespen", as they are called in German, don't go after your breakfast. ;)

Sharing this post with Bleubeard and Elizabeth for T stands for.... Happy T Day!


9 Kommentare:

  1. Your photos are lovely and I really admire your bird!

  2. That is so cool how you have a hillful of wild bee burrows. And fabulous photos too. I didn't realize willow blooms were so pretty. I love looking at things up close and discovering all kinds of fascinating things you miss if you only quickly skim your eyes over them. Thanks for the comment on my bee page too. Have a super rest of your T day. hugs-Erika

  3. Coffee is wonderful, and every coffee lover has her own way to make it, with her own preferred equipment.
    Nice photos!

  4. I like your Moka Express. I saw some similar at The Spice Merchant last week.

    I absolutely adore your gray heron. You draw birds so well. I swear the mug I found of the bird could have been created by you.

    Never saw that type of bee before, but I am thrilled you are growing "food" for them to pollinate. Thanks for sharing your garden, your heron, and your Moka Express with us for T this Tuesday, dear Kokopelli.

  5. Wow, aren't bees amazing! I loved seeing their burrows too and those willow blooms are so beautiful ❤️. Wishing you a very happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  6. Pretty bookmark. Willows? As in pussy willows? the branches with the soft, grey tufts? I never knew they bloomed. That is so cool! Happy T Day

    1. Yes, the soft grey tufts! There are several special, all blooming differently and also depending on being male or female, they look different. I grew my willows from cutoffs and have about five different varieties in my hedgerow. The red/yellow ones are my favorite and they bloom for the first time this year.
