Dienstag, 18. Februar 2025

T stands for.....some linoprints

After starting over with linocut about two years ago (like many of us I did that back in school and then never again), I always had problems getting the print rubbed on the paper correctly, so it looks nice. Rubbing with a wooden or metal spoon or a felt baren wasn't doing the job for me good enough. And the time it takes. OK, so what? Get a press? But most of these presses cost a small fortune. Then a fellow printmaker recommended Woodzilla presses to me. I bought a little little A5 one in blue (see below, photo by Woodzilla).

Let's make it short: I LOVE the press! Makes printing much faster and the prints are cleaner than the ones I made by hand. Here are some card sets I made: 

Insects with and without colored accents.

Some beach themed cards with additional stamping and a colored sun.

And than I was even brave enough to start a project I was eyeing for a long time: To make one of my watercolors into a jigsaw multicolored print block. So I chose my kingfisher paiting.

Once the block is all finished, ....

....you must be brave and cut it into pieces along the chosen lines.

I only had the time to do some test prints so far and printing with acrylics isn't ideal, even if you mix the colors with a retarder to make them dry slower. So the first colored print was damaged, as the block for the blue cap of the kingfisher stuck to the paper and damaged it, when I pulled th print. But you get the idea. I already oredered some linoprint colors and will try again.

For the drinks and to qualify for Bleubeard and Elizsbeth's T party,  I have a question for you? If you drink tea, do you also drink cold brew teas? I tried some of them, but not all are good. The one pictured taste very minty, but like chewing gum, a bit artificial.


11 Kommentare:

  1. Your woodblock prints of insects are really neat. That is a fascinating process, and it’s great that you found a functional device for an affordable price.
    best… mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  2. Wow, wuch amazing prints! The detail is amazing ❤️. Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  3. I haven't done any printing for decades, but that little press looks amazing. And fun to use. I hope you share more of your playing another time. It might be tempting toy for me too. And I hope you have a happy T day too. hugs-Erika

  4. I love the color of your little press. Your results are amazing. Well done you. Happy T Day

  5. Yes, I did lino cutting too at school many moons ago. I love the prints you did, especially the 'bugs'. Your little press is really amazing.
    Yes, I have cold brew teas. I use them in summer as they make a refreshing drink. The last one I bought was called Sex On The Beach. I was attracted to it because of the title, but it turned out to be delicious.
    Happy T-Day,

  6. Your woodblocks are lovely. I've only done a bit of lino carving and printing but I so admire it and the process. Your work really is so beautiful. I like that little press!

  7. Der Eisvogel ist fantastisch - sowohl das Aquarell als auch die Drucke. Ich denke, mit den richtigen Farben wird es bestimmt so, wie du es dir vorstellst. Damals in der Schule - ewig her - habe ich natürlich auch Linoschnitt gemacht und ich erinnere mich, dass es mir wirklich Spaß machte. Und danach habe ich es nie wieder versucht.

  8. Wow your art is always so beautiful. Just wonderful.

  9. Wow, I am so impressed with your prints. Amazing. Cool drink pic too. Happy T-day a bit late.

  10. I've never done any lino carvings, but I adore those bugs you made using your new tool. I especially like the kingfisher. Sorry I am late visiting, but I am thrilled beyond belief that you shared your T Stands For Tuesday post with us this week. I have never had any cold brew tea, but will put it on my "to try" list.

  11. Lovely lino prints. I had a go a couple of months ago, enjoyed it very much and I'd like to do more.
