Sonntag, 25. August 2013

ECC September: Diatom

Ich bin ganz verliebt in die Farben dieses Stücks. Ich bin aber noch nicht sicher, was es mal werden wird: ein Schlüsselanhänger, ein Kettenanhänger, der Hingucker für ein Armband? Aber mir gefällt es sehr gut, vor allem dass die Rocailles so gut mit den Farben in Jeannies Diatom-Anhänger harmonieren.

I'm deeply in love with the colors in this piece. I'm still not sure what it will be in the end: a keychain, a pendant, the centerpiece of a cuff? But I really love how this turned out and how the seedies match the colors in Jeannie's Diatom pendant.

Jeannie K Dukic http://site.jkdjewelry. com/blog

3 Kommentare:

  1. Hi,
    Jeannie is out of the country for two months. I’m standing in for her, as her. I expect her back in two weeks? Sorry for the mix up.
    thanks, Kara

  2. That is a beautiful pendant! Love it!

  3. Hi I am back on line finally from our move. We are in the house but not moved in yet. Moving next door has been a night mare. It is nice to see this beautiful blue piece that you have beaded. Wishing you a wonderful weekend
