Freitag, 30. März 2012

Paint Party Friday: Gedächtniskirche/Memorial Church

Fröhlichen PPF euch allen!

Happy PPF everyone!

Diese Woche gibt es nur eine laaaaangsam fortschreitende Zeichnung zu sehen und zwar eine von der Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtniskirche in Berlin, für mich eine der beeindruckendsten Kirchen überhaupt. Natürlich werde ich die Zeichnung zeigen, wenn sie mal fertig ist.

This week there is only a slooooow going drawing to see: a drawing of the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church in Berlin. For me this is one of the most impressive churches in the world. Of course I'll show you the drawing once it's done.

13 Kommentare:

  1. Am sure its going to be fabulous. Happy PPF and have a great weekend, Annette x

  2. Very well designed and coming along nicely ~thanks, namaste, ~ Happy Weekend ^_^

  3. The start of something wonderful. I can tell. Happy PPF

  4. Wow. That's a great start. Can't wait to see where it takes you. Happy PPF! :-)

  5. looks like it's going to be wonderful. Looking forward to it!

  6. a wonderful beginning to an amazing structure!

  7. Looking forward to seeing the finished version!

  8. Well I certainly hope you will. It looks like you are off to a very good start! HPPF!

  9. Beautiful work in progress. Obviously it's a very elegant building. Looking forward to seeing the rest.

  10. Can't wait to see this when it is finished. What a beautiful church.
