Lately my friend Jeannie posted about Upcycling on her blog. Yesterday a friend came in and we had fun with crafting the afternoon away. And we made this:
Sie hatte diese Verpackungen eines Badezusatzes schon eine ganze Weile gesammelt und nun haben wir sie zusammengenäht, um einen Kulturbeutel draus zu machen, der auch noch wunderbar nach den Badezusätzen duftet. Da schaut man doch Verpackungen ganz anders an, bevor man sie weg wirft. Und was habt ihr in letzt Zeit upgecycelt?
She collected a whole lot of foil packagings from a bath additive with beautiful photos on it and we sewed them together to make a toiletry bag. Now how cool is that: using trash to make something beautiful: a toilet bag with all the delicious fragrances from the bath additives! So what did you upcycle?
(photo by Kokopelli Design, 2011)
Sweet. I love it. Upcycled and functional to. This is genius.
AntwortenLöschenI upcycle bottle caps and soda cans to make earrings and cuffs. I love the idea of the toiletries bag. Maybe I'll try that one next.