Since last Friday the new Perlen Poesie No 7 is available at the newsstands. Nothing special you say? But it is for me as I have my first design ever published in this issue! I already did the happy dance back in summer when they accepted my design for publication. But I wasn't allowed to share with you until now.

Und hier ist es nun: mein St. Petersburg Chain Set mit Kette und Ohrringen in schwarz und gold. Ein besonderer Dank geht an meine Freundin Jeannie von Jewelry by Jeannie, die mir die wunderbare Goldblatt-FIMO-Perle zur Verfügung gestellt hat. Ohne diese Perle wäre das ganze Set nur halb so schön. Wenn ihr Jeannie und ihre Arbeit noch nicht kennt, dann besucht unbedingt ihre Website oder ihren Blog! Allein ihre "12 Days of Christmas" sind sehenswert. Zu Abschluß dieser Serie gibt es einen tollen Giveaway, der noch bis zum 17. Dezember läuft.
And here it is: my St Petersburg Chain set, consisting of necklace and earrings, in black and gold. A special THANK YOU goes to my dear friend Jeannie of Jewelry by Jeannie, who gave me the beautiful polymer clay rectangle. Without this bead the set would only be half as nice. If you don't know Jeannie and her work, make sure to visit her website or her blog. Her "12 Days of Christmas" alone are worth the visit. There is also a giveaway running until December 17th with awesome pieces to win.
Achtet auch auf die nächsten Posts. Ich werde ein PP-Magazin Nr. 7 zu Weihnachten/Neujahr verlosen.
Watch out for one of the next posts, as I'm giving away one issue of the magazine for Christmas/New Year!
(Design by Kokopelli, 2010)
this is just stunning and like I said excited for you and getting published....thanks for posting so we can see what you made
AntwortenLöschenI can see why they published it. Beautiful!
AntwortenLöschenDagi I love that necklace. The St. Petersburg chain is beautiful with Jeannie's bead and those danglies, and the whole thing is so well done :) The drop chain earrings are perfect with it too.
AntwortenLöschenI'm very pleased that you got published for it!!!!!