I like the pattern of the Denim Rag Quilt by Patchwork-and-Quilting.com so much that I made a second one. This will become a gift for my brother and my SIL, but sssshhhhhhht! I hope they like it.
I finished the quilt yesterday by washing and drying it to make the seam allowances fray. I only washed it once so far, as the fraying will come with time and use. So this is still a work in progress. Although I made the pattern twice it is still much work and I recommend two tools that are neccessary for that or at least very, very useful. First is my "workhorse", a Pfaff sewing machine, which I "heired" from my Mom, when she bought herself a new one. When you think about buying a sewing machine, seriously consider a branded one and not a cheapo. That money is well invested.
Das zweite nützliche Werkzeug ist diese Allzweck-Schere mit Feder, die sich selbsttätig wieder öffnet. Ich habe die nahtzugaben an meinem ersten Quilt mit einer normalen Schere und später mit einem Seitenschneider geschnitten, weil vier Lagen Stoff unglaublich schwer zu schneiden sind. Mit dem Teilchen hier ging es SEHR viel flotter und einfacher. Ich habe die Schere für fünf Euronen in einem Discounter gekauft, Wirklich sehr nützlich!
Second useful tool is those self-opening shears. I made my first denim quilt with scissors and then changed to a flush cutter, because cutting the seam allowances was so hard on the hands. But this thing makes it a LOT easier and faster. I bought mine for five euros at a discounter and use it a lot cutting leather, cardboard, heavy fabrics, wire (yes, wire!) and others. Very useful tool!
Hier ist noch ein Link zu meinem ersten Denim Rag Quilt, den ich zu Anfang des Jahres gemacht habe. Tolle Anleitung!
Remember my first Denim Rag Quilt I made earlier this year? This pattern is really fun.
(Denim Rag Quilt by Helen Cairns, Fotos by Kokopelli Design, 2010)
Den finde ich aber super! Und die Fransen gefallen mir am besten. Und danke für den Tip mit der Allzweckschere! Sowas will ich auch haben!!!
AntwortenLöschenlg susa
It looks so cool! You are very talented.
AntwortenLöschenOhhhhh was für ein toller Quilt. wowwwwwww
AntwortenLöschenDa wird sich aber jemand mächtig darüber freuen.Gefällt mir suuuuper gut.Vorallem da noch einige Ettikets mit drauf sind ...
This is way to funny I have made 3 rag quilts and I love them but I have been collecting my jeans for years and probably have enough to make 3 and still haven't been able to get them done! Yours is beautiful. Did you still put batting in between the layers?
AntwortenLöschenHugs and Happy Holidays!
Dagi, I love your rag quilt and if I were your SIL and brother, I would be thrilled with the gift.
AntwortenLöschenI also have a Pfaff work horse that I bought while living in Germany. I bought it in 1974 and I have never regretted buying it. It is a 206 it wasn't expensive however it has worked like a jewel.
Although I have since bought a more modern machine in 1996, one that does embroidery, I still use the 206 for heavier things, and whenever I need to sew while the other is embroidering.
I wouldn't ever own any other brand. My sister bought a cheaper brand for almost as much as I paid for the Pfaff and now she wishes she had bought the Pfaff for just a little more money.
You have inspired me to finish my rag quilt. However it will have to wait till after Christmas.
Kristen, there is no batting in between, as the denim and the fabric give a pretty strong quilt without that. Plus it wouldn't look good sticking out in between the frayed seam allowances.
AntwortenLöschenDagi that is so cool! I just love it. I bet your brother and SIL will love it!
AntwortenLöschenLove the tip about the self-opening shears! Pearl
AntwortenLöschenThat is VERY cool and quite unique! Never seen anything like it!
AntwortenLöschenI don't sew --well, I know HOW to, but I don't. But I once thought it would be cool to make a king-sized quilt by sewing pretty napkins together. But that's as far as I got, the thought!
I just might try this. I have some old worn out jeans I saved from hubby's trash heap. And I have some new denim fabric just sitting waiting for me to cut into it. Thanks!!