The fall archery classes are already up and running for two weeks now, but I was busy, busy making my way through 8 hours of archery classes and practice a week plus the everyday stuff, so I'm a bit late with posting in general and some news about the classes. Again we had a huge success with the number of participants: there were a lot more sign-ups than places available and so we took off with two classes and 20 people like we did in summer. The fall classes are well mixed, concerning age and gender (remember I had a only-males class last summer), and we have two fun groups enjoying the magic of archery. The pics are from my Wednesday group, as I didn't have the chance to snap pics from the Monday group. So there will be more.
Friday Face OFF Bugs
vor 2 Stunden
The classes are always so much more interesting when you have a diverse group of people. Course having an all-male group dosen't sound so bad!
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