Writing this in the middle of a heavy snow shower taking place outside my window, while the pictures were taken in much sunnier weather.
For the second time I'm growing garlic in my garden during winter. Three varieties planted in November are now showing the first green (ok, light pink in the first photo).
Garlic: Messidrome, Germidour and Sprint are the varieties I planted.
I have four rows in the garden and one pot on the terrace. All looking great, but the pot seems to have it a bit warmer, as I planted this one later than the rows in the garden and it came up faster.
Endives are looking good, but where way bigger around this time last year. I think the low temps in January caused this, although I covered them with a fleece.
The rhubarb is only showing a small ball of leaves.
Besides the veggies there are some wildflowers showing their leafves already: Rose Campion (Silene coronaria), which is not really a wildflower here, but grows everywhere in my garden.
Clary Sage (Salvia sclarea)
I cut down the wild teasels from last year, but I'm sure, there is some offspring somewhere in the garden. They were about 2.5 metres high from all the rain we got last summer. Did you know these plants store rain water in their leaves? Good thing for birds and insects.
And right in front of my compost ( the most impractical place in my garden for BIG flowers) there grow Mullein (Verbascum spec.) and Evening Primrose (Oenothera spec.). Maybe I'll use the other compost during summer. :D
Also the two cichory plants (Cichorium intybus) are coming again and I'm really looking forward to their blue flowers, which are only open until around 11 am, when it gets too warm. Then they are gone. They also grew up to 2.5 metres last year and had hundreds of blue flowers over months.
How does your garden grow?